Clinton Dentist Suggests Root Canal Treatment Over extraction- Know Why
The idea of extracting a tooth always does not sit well with everyone. There are many, especially children who dread visiting a dentist for even a routine dental check-up. Parents have a hard time in getting their children to the dental clinic. Convincing them for a tooth extraction seems to be an impossible task. The dentist should be able to win their trust before starting a treatment. However, extraction often does not need to be the solution for a dental problem. Their is another treatment which can be helpful and that is known as Root Canal Treatment. Any experienced Clinton dentist nowadays goes for RCT both for children and adults.
After a normal check up, the dentist decides how many teeth are affected and what should be the course of the treatment.
Any experienced and good dentist usually does not resort to extraction. Rather, they try to salvage the original tooth if there is the chance to do so. In that regard, they consider Root Canal Treatment is a good option. The procedure is painless, and does not cause too much discomfort to the patient undergoing the same. One has to have patience as the process includes many sittings. In the hands of a good dentist, the patient will not feel any pain at all. The recovery is also easy and less time taking.
The process involves removing the infected or inflamed pulp from the tooth and then cleaning and properly disinfecting the affected tooth. The cavity is then filled and sealed called gutta-percha. A few days later, the tooth is restored with a crown or filling for protecting the tooth. One can choose the material of the crown. Once the crown is placed, the tooth functions like an original tooth and without any pain or discomfort.
Despite RCT being a painless and effective dental procedure, there are many who does not want to spend time behind it and decides on getting the tooth extracted. This is because they are not aware of the many benefits of Root Canal Treatment. Following are some of the benefits which can help one to think otherwise.
There is nothing like a natural tooth- This cannot be ruled out that there is nothing like a natural tooth. RCT keeps a part of the natural tooth and helps protect it for lifetime after the crown is placed. The treatment if done properly can help one to smile naturally and continue enjoying all the food that they love.
Cost effective- The price for root canal treatment is affordable. Extracting a tooth is not only painful, but it also shoots the price due to multiple visits to the dentist for check up. Plus, if one needs a bridge or implant, then that would add to the bill.
Painless procedure- The pain of extracting a teeth is too much to bear for some people, especially children and young adults. Compared to extraction, RCT is a painless procedure. One just feels a little discomfort when the infected pulp is removed and the tooth is cleaned. Else, no pain is felt, and the recovery time is less.
Knowing the benefits of having a root canal treatment helps in taking a step towards good oral hygiene. In the hands of an expert Clinton dentist, one can be ensured of effective and visually appealing results.