How Can a LA Lumpectomy Specialist Help Successfully Beat Breast Cancer


A lumpectomy is a surgical procedure, primarily conducted to remove abnormal breast tissue with some healthy tissue around it. Also called a partial mastectomy, it involves partial removal of the breast. Apparently it might seem to be an intimidating to many, however, majority of the breast cancers can be treated with one surgery. Sometimes, it may require multiple operations depending on the condition. In addition to this, after the surgery, you will have to undergo a short course of directed radiation therapy to prevent the likelihood of cancer from returning. And this will be thoroughly explained by LA lumpectomy specialist.

The Procedure of a Lumpectomy:

The procedure of a lumpectomy for cancer is usually performed in the hospital equipped with advanced medical device. Patients can go home the same day after the surgery. The surgery may require local anesthesia with IV sedation or general anesthesia, and usually this is performed by a radiologist right before the surgery.

A type of electric scalpel is used to minimize bleeding. Most surgeons prefer using curved incisions that follow the natural curve of your breast to ensure better healing. Once the tumor is identified, the surgeon will remove it along with a dollop of healthy tissue around it.

Sometimes, the surgeon may use a rubber tube called a drain to surgically remove excess fluid that can accumulate in the affected where the tumor was. The drain is attached to a plastic bulb that creates suction to help collect fluid. Finally, the incision will require stitches to close the wound.

Recovery for a Lumpectomy:

Usually, average lumpectomy takes 15-20 minutes to perform and the patient can return home the same day. Before releasing the patient, the staff will monitor your heart rate, body temperature, and blood pressure. The surgeon will discuss the further medication in full detail during the postoperative clinic visit, which is usually the week after the surgery.

The following measures are considered to expedite the healing process:

  • Applying ice backs to the incisions
  • Putting on the compression bra that surgeon recommends you during the operation
  • Avoidance of daunting tasks until discussed with the specialist
  • Taking prescribed pain killer
  • Caring for surgical drain
  • Recognizing signs of infections
  • Follow up appointment with the surgeon in 1-2 weeks

Fat Grafting After Lumpectomy:

Fat grafting is primarily carried out once your breast conserving treatment has been completed. This is emerging as a promising breast reconstruction technique which is aimed at recreating the breast by improving the shape and contour. It involves removal of fat tissue from other parts of the body primarily from thighs, belly, and buttocks by means of liposuction. The tissue is injected into the breast area to fill the mild to moderate breast defects that can occur following a lumpectomy. LA lumpectomy specialist will discuss how much tissue may need to be removed and explain the procedures before going about it.

The reason fat grafting has become so popular is because it does not involve major surgery. However, research is going to find how successful it will be over long-term. Since it is so new, no large clinical studies have been done yet on the procedure.

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